Two years since the CZU Lightning Fire hit our community, more and more resilient homes are springing back up. Check out this Boulder Creek fire rebuild- a beautiful 4-bedroom home that nestles into the site where the original home was lost. The structure climbs the hillside, with decks on th
Santa Cruz Green Architects
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I staked the house today. I cleaned the pool today. I reserved the mini excavator for foundation footings. I begged the plumber to be here for pipe trenching. YOU made all of this happen. Thank you sooo much.B. White It's been two years since our community was hit by the CZU Lightning Fi
read moreIn the 2020 CZU Lightning Complex Fires, our community lost over 911 homes. In 2021, we came together to build back better. It was our privilege to work with several local families to design some beautiful, custom houses that would allow them to return home. Six of these homes are already fully per
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